I was asked the other day “What’s the difference between a
blog and a Website?”
I have to say it was something I hadn’t thought of. We tend
to use these things and not pay any attention to the fact that others might not
understand the reasons for the choice we make or indeed the options available.
So here goes my simplistic attempt at a basic explanation.
A Blog is similar to a diary:- i.e. it is based on a
timeline and others can comment on a post using the comments tag at the bottom
of the post. The ability to add comments may or may not be restricted. The
content of the blog changes every time someone puts up a post. This ability to
post information is restricted to a set few.
A website is closer to a book:- i.e. it is structured by
content and there is seldom the ability to comment on items. The content normally
remains the same although there is usually a means to communicate with the
owner of the website. The webmaster is normally the only one with the ability
to change the website content.
What next? Use the facility of the blog to communicate with
those of similar mind. You can comment on posts. You can link to other sites.
You can suggest other sites. You can use the Forum to generate interest and see
what others think. Put a question on the forum, put up items for sale, what
about the trip to Westport. Most people have access therefore it is easier to
reach all the followers/members than at a meeting that may not have everyone in
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