Next Outing

Next Up:- Remember Cycling is weather dependent. Take Care

1. Cycle Sunday 9am for the fit and 1130 for those of us with more sense

2. Weather and light permitting there will be cycles at 7pm Tuesday and Thursday

3. Falling Leaves Tour 22nd September Athlone

Monday, 27 August 2012

The Reek

Ok, The Reek. Let me say a year ago I would not have believed I could have cycled that far, never mind attempt to climb the Reek as well. So let’s start off from Kilteevan : Twenty cyclists, 2 vans and drivers left Kiltevan at 9am. Twenty cyclists, 2 vans and drivers arrived at the Reek less several pounds in weight (the cyclists that is). Needless to say there were some who could have cut an hour or more off the trip. The rest of us may not have made it at all. One great thing about the club is the encouragement and help offered to one and all by one and all. The fitter, stronger cyclists gave advice, encouragement and a helping hand where and when it was needed. Without them I’m sure I for one would have turned back. So why didn’t I, well every time I thought enough was enough, some other nut would pull alongside and ask how I was doing. What else could I do but push the peddles round one more time? That’s one thing about this club, you need a thick neck (or the banter will do you in) but everyone pulls together and not only for the club but for the community. When I joined first it was just after the club had cycled into the west for breast cancer research. Since then the club has supported or assisted a number of fund raising events. So what happened the Christmas party, it got turned into a trip to the Reek and an opportunity to raise funds for Crumlin Children’s Hospital.
I’m not going to mention too many names because I would surly leave someone out. Girls if you want to know what your other half got up to I’m always open to bribes (and I have the photos to prove it). To get back to it, we stopped in Claremorris at the McWilliam Park Hotel for lunch. I have to say not only did they provide an excellent lunch (and a big thanks should be sent to the staff) but a certain part of my anatomy enjoyed the break (my big toe was beginning to feel the pinch). Unfortunately in what seemed like no time some bright spark decided it was time to mount up again and off we went.
After a photo everyone took off. I have to admit there was some dismay when we reached Castlebar and some realised they had not managed to lose me in Claremorris (I think they were getting camera shy). The fitter cyclists arrived at the Reek and immediately started to get ready for the climb. I have to say for my part the last kilometre seemed like ten and when I got off the bike in the car park, it was to the news that the vans were outside. I decided it would be advisable to take the bike for a walk to the van (now I know how John Wane felt). Thanks to John Gillian’s advice I spent the last few kilometres spinning and so managed to walk the few yards to the van. Now just imagine the sight the poor tourists got. Twenty grubby cyclists changing to take a stroll up the Reek (on second thoughts scrub that, I don’t want to put anyone off their food).
Well off we went, some like mountain goats (our own OAP among them). For the rest of us it was just about one foot in front of another. The comments on the way up put me in mind of the Goal add “are we there yet”. The best was yet to come “your almost there, round that bend and it’s only about 200 yards”. They forgot to say it was almost straight up. Once again a guardian angle came to my rescue. The camera bag that I would normally carry all day came close to going over the edge. John came down, whipped it off me and started to run back up with it. Things were so bad I offered to give him a photographic course on the side of the Reek. Well he refused and I had no choice but to head on up or lose my camera. Yes we got there and I have the photo to prove it. I’m sure the view was superb but to be honest I didn’t care, I took the photos packed up and started down (I just realised, the only way I’m going to get some photos of the views up there is if I climb it again). Did someone suggest a tiddlywinks club? Well to cut a long story short. We got down, we had dinner and then, well I will leave the rest of the evening to your imagination. Remember most of the lads are bigger than me (think I will burn the photos just in case). I must also mention the Westport Woods Hotel. A great meal, great facilities and a wonderful host in the manager and another big thank you as it finished our day superbly.
At last to finish up. Some of us used various excuses to avoid the cycle home but the rest of the die hards made it back in record time. To everyone who participated, helped, facilitated, arranged and those we left behind to man the forts Thank You for the opportunity. I will get the photos up soon. 

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